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Specification for the use and maintenance of asphalt insulation pumps

2021/03/25 11:29:17
Specification for the use and maintenance of asphalt insulation pumps

       When using asphalt pumps, you must formulate strict technical maintenance specifications. The fuel filter works for 100 hours and the fuel tank works for 500 hours. Clean each time. If the filter element is found to be damaged and replaced in time, it must not be removed and the DC type is adopted. Fuel supply. The mating parts should be disassembled and inspected once after 500 hours of work under normal working conditions.

   When disassembling and inspecting the asphalt insulation pump, ensure that the premises, hands, tools and cleaning oil are clean to avoid contamination of the parts. Don't knock and knock during the disassembly operation, don't pile it up when cleaning, and wash it with other non-matched parts to avoid bumps and scratches. During the assembly, the assembly position must not be changed at will to achieve certain goals that do not meet the requirements of the machine. Understand the structural characteristics and working principle of the mating parts, strengthen and improve the maintenance, operation and use of the mating parts, so as not to adjust at will when there is no fault, not to disassemble at will during maintenance and use, and not to knock and beat during maintenance and inspection, and during cleaning and maintenance. Do not rub and touch randomly, and do not change or screw in disorder during assembly and adjustment. Everything is carried out in accordance with the technical requirements of the asphalt insulation pump specification to achieve the purpose of extending its service life. When installing the oil valve seat and the nozzle cap, they should be tightened according to the specified torque to ensure the good technical condition of the assembled fuel injector and fuel injection pump.
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